The joy of Christmas Eve (Pajamas)


HERS: Satin Pajama Shirt and Satin Pajama Pants

HIS: Knit Ski Pajamas

BABY’S: Striped Sleeper

The joy of Christmas Eve. It might be one of my favorite holiday moments and fondest memories. We shuffle into the living room where dad set the fire. The room is warm and aglow. Mom passes out our gift. Always pajamas. We eagerly run upstairs to slip them on—new slippers, too. We eat crab, open a box of chocolates (always See’s Candy), pour a glass of champagne (now, not then). We ooh and ah over our festive pjs before cozying into the couch. I cut the chocolates in half so we can pass them ‘round and compare the contents. Nuts and Chews: my favorite. We press play on It’s a Wonderful Life. In black and white. I often fell asleep as a child but now I notice something new each year and am crying by the end of it. It’s my all-time favorite movie now. 🫶🏼

Christmas Eve pajamas has been a family tradition for as long as I’ve known and it’s one thing I’m thrilled to begin for our own daughter. Not just for the new pjs but for the family moments, the warmth and the memories. 🕊