SlumberPod with Nanit

SlumberPod with Nanit | SlumbePod Review, slumberpod alternatives, how to use slumberpod with nanit monitor, slumberpod experience, slumberpod fan or no fan, traveling with baby, baby sleep solutions, baby blackout, blackout nursery ideas baby travel

We took our first big road trip and one of the biggest things on our list was how to tackle baby sleep. From blackout shades to baby tents, I don’t think I’ve ever thought so much about how dark a room might be until I became a mom.

After considering a few options (see SlumberPod alternatives below), we decided to go with the Slumberpod based on a few things.

  1. There’s a spot for a camera, as well as a fan. We used ours with our Nanit, which needs to be used with the Nanit Flex Multi-Stand.

  2. It’s tented so baby can stand. Some of the alternatives go straight over a travel crib or pack-n-play, allowing for no additional height above crib. I can see this being fine for a newborn.

We had one night in a hotel prior to staying with family for the remainder of the trip. Our first night at the hotel was the first time we tried the SlumberPod and it did not go well due to two reasons.

  1. The pocket for the camera is plastic and the camera view was barely visible through the camera. We ended up cutting a hole for the camera lens to peek through in order to get a better view.

  2. Our hotel did not require a password for the Wi-Fi, however, our Nanit Monitor requires a password be input in order to connect. The only workaround we could find was to use our computer as a hotspot. Then connect the monitor to the hotspot instead of the hotel Wi-Fi. This works, however, the connection is poor and lags. Something to note if you’re staying in a hotel!

things OF note:

The only other slight inconvenience to the Slumberpod is I found it awkward to put our 10-month-old baby into it. You have to crouch down awkwardly and if your baby or child requires more support at bedtime or in the middle of the night, it can be difficult to almost bend yourself into the opening.

This was not some “magic bullet” sleep solution for us. Our daughter didn’t go to sleep as quickly as she often does at home but that’s likely also due to being in a new sleep space, surrounding and schedule.

Ultimately, all the pros outweighed any cons for us and we will absolutely be using the Slumberpod for future travel + can see it being very handy for the holiday season.


Fan or no fan? Fan! Winter vs. summer, warm room or not, I think a fan is great for circulation and added peace of mind.

Is a SlumberPod necessary? I think this is such a personal question and varies from case to case. Is your baby used to sleeping in a dark room at home and you know you won’t have the same blackout ability? Will baby be going to bed or taking naps in a crib well before it gets dark out?

This will also vary based on your unique situation/baby or child. Keep in mind you may still not have a dark room outside the SlumberPod. On this specific trip, our baby mostly napped on mama or in the car and luckily the room we were in still got fairly dark in the evenings even with sheer curtains.